Being a failure is not the same thing as being a fringe 4th liner.
It is also factually true that as a 4th liner, he is kept so far away from the opposition's top lines, he might as well be in another arena. So while you are hanging your hat on an extrapolated statistic, based solely off of extrapolated numbers, you need to remember that the real game is played in the real world.
The reason that he has not played with Chris Kreider is due to the fact that Kreider is a 4th line player. And most coaches keep 4th liners on the 4th line for reason.
This because your "test" exists only in your mind. Which, must be some kind of interesting place to be, what with all the flying unicorns. The fact that he has not been so tested, is because the Rangers management (not anyone on this board) have not deemed that for the good of the team, a 4th liner should be elevated to playing with your teams top players. Let alone, pushing your borderline elite top center to wing.
In the real world, Nieves plays exactly where his level of play dictates he belongs.
Do you really need to be instructed in the fallacy of utilizing the +/- as your sole source of evidence?
Way to go. That and a few more dollars could almost get you a subway fare.
too busy to address all of this
but just as for a short answer on the bold,
that is the point.
He is on the 4th but deserves higher.
More so, if he is put with Kreider, he will get better than another F might show with CK, because there is a basis to project they are complementary.
Stepan held Kreider back b'c Step could not skate fast enuf.
Boo does not have that prob
Stepan, granted, was a good passer.
So is Nieves.
Stepan was defensively responsible.
So is Nieves; and Boo has more upside there b'c he is bigger, faster, and probably stronger than Stepan. I agree Boo like everyone else will improve further with experience, but he is already adequate + for any defensive coverages.
Stepan was a better scorer w/better Ws, and Nieves has a way to go here, and he does not strike me as a Kreider type of heavy shot, or like someone who can just launch a blur. But he is opportunistic and is improving with each game.
Given the opportunity, he will perform adequately well or better on offense while being a facilitator for better shooting Ws.
And it is disingenuous to say he is playing where he deserves, b'c the Rangers showcased other guys prior to the TD.