Crazy anyone would think Boeser has any interest in staying on a discount.
He’s going to market unless he’s traded somewhere he’s willing to sign an extension with. Likely going to market though, even if he is traded. Would he stay on a max type deal with a NMC? Money always talks, so maybe..
This is just one of those situations where a player remembers things. The Canucks would be smart to trade him, but at the same time it sends a horrible message when you trade off UFAs during a playoff push.
Fans on sites like this understand why they probably should move him. Especially a player who’s frankly not coming back, but there’s a lot more fans that pay the bills, who don’t care about anything but the here and now. Don’t care about the draft, picks, prospects, etc. They care that their team is in the playoffs, and that’s how teams look at things. For every comment ok with trading him you see on a teams FB page, there’s 10 who’d be angry trading him just because he’s a pending UFA.
Fans want playoff runs and if they start thinking you’re not committed to that, you start losing fans. In his case, they don’t care if he’s not going to re-sign.
The Canucks being pretty proactive though, if they can get a deal for a player under contract, they’d probably pull the trigger. They have to be able to sell any deal though. If they’re playing bad come March 7, it’ll make it much easier to sell if it’s futures.