OT: Blues Forum Lounge (Home of All Things OT) - Part 2023-2024

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joe galiba

Registered User
Apr 16, 2020
Also, why do people stand up right when the plane lands, when it usually takes at least 15 minutes for people to even start getting off? I just chill in the seat while all the others stand in the aisle for 20 minutes.
I stand asap, I am tall so the seats are uncomfortable and I also have bad knees so standing after being on a flight is wonderful relief

Bobby Orrtuzzo

Ya know
Jul 8, 2015
St. Louis
I’ve never taken a carry on or sat up front.
on the reverse of this, I’ve never brought more than just a carry on on a flight. The handful of times I’ve ever flown, it’s usually for a max 3-4 day trip. I just cram everything into a carry on. And every time has been to visit a friend, so if there’s anything else I need they usually have it.
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Registered User
Apr 14, 2018
Also, why do people stand up right when the plane lands, when it usually takes at least 15 minutes for people to even start getting off? I just chill in the seat while all the others stand in the aisle for 20 minutes.
I hate the people that exit the plane by pushing through. Like they are walking up the isle before the unfasten seat belt is allowed.

Celtic Note

Living the dream
Dec 22, 2006
I stand asap, I am tall so the seats are uncomfortable and I also have bad knees so standing after being on a flight is wonderful relief
My knees are firmly planted in the seat in front of me the entire ride. Flying sucks. I would much rather take a train or drive depending upon the distance. And don’t get me started on the seats themselves. Flying used to be an experience. I guess it still is, but it’s more like we get to understand what cattle feel like. So not really a good experience.

I hate the people that exit the plane by pushing through. Like they are walking up the isle before the unfasten seat belt is allowed.
Like the 30 seconds they gain is worth being a prick to everyone else.
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Stupendous Yappi

Idiot Control Now!
Aug 23, 2018
Erwin, TN
on the reverse of this, I’ve never brought more than just a carry on on a flight. The handful of times I’ve ever flown, it’s usually for a max 3-4 day trip. I just cram everything into a carry on. And every time has been to visit a friend, so if there’s anything else I need they usually have it.
I’d rather not have to purchase toiletries every time I travel. I need items and at times medications that are not allowed for carry-on, so I always check a bag. I’ve done a lot of travel. I don’t really see what the big deal is to wait 10 minutes to get my bag. During layovers I don’t have to lug around anything more than my messenger bag with a book and my tablet.

Everyone does what they are most comfortable with I guess.
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2018-19 Cup Champs!
Mar 22, 2012
two yutes

what is a yute?
So many great lines from that movie. My personal favorite is the “Imagine you’re a deer….Would you give a f*** what color pants the sonofabitch who shot you was wearin’?”

Wife and I both love it so we brought the DVD to the hospital when both of our kids were born. Both of my kids watched it in my arms at the ripe old age of like 12 hours.
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joe galiba

Registered User
Apr 16, 2020
So many great lines from that movie. My personal favorite is the “Imagine you’re a deer….Would you give a f*** what color pants the sonofabitch who shot you was wearin’?”

Wife and I both love it so we brought the DVD to the hospital when both of our kids were born. Both of my kids watched it in my arms at the ripe old age of like 12 hours.
I turned on the TV and that scene was on, great way to finish off an evening


Registered User
Apr 14, 2018
One time my wife and I got on the wrong bus. The problem was, it was in Jamaica.

After a few stops we realized we were in a bad situation.

Everyone was stopping and looking at us. Even the people on the bus!

We just sat there like we belonged and made it through the route. No one ever messed with us, even in the worst parts.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2018
I was on the first warship to the Persian Gulf after 9/11, USS Roosevelt.

I saw weird things.

Oil fields in the waters of Gulf burning at night. The carrier slipping by, just a viewer.

1,000 dolphins jumping around after the carrier did a quick turnaround. We must have pulled something up to make them feed like that.

A full circle rainbow. Saw it from the top of the carrier with a storm approaching.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2018
The best pizza I've ever had was in the Balkans. Koper, Slovenia. Navy stop.

Parmigiano and bruschueto pizza. Like in Italy, a personal thin crust.


Cutter's Way
Apr 29, 2004
There is a lot of PTSD in Ukraine today. Previously, they did not have legal cannabis. Then last summer they decided they wanted to have a legal program for their people, who definitely need it. At the end of June Zelensky called for it. So they reached out, and when you reach out on something like this you end up at our house talking to my partner. She worked with them, conducting a series of translator-facilitated calls, and designed their system, making sure they considered all of the policy and production aspects they need to. In January Zelensky signed the law. She's on the call with them right now working on the advice for the next five months while they develop more administrative rules. It takes 6 months after signing to become law, it was signed in the last few weeks. I am so god damn proud of her. California, New York and Ukraine. The equity provisions come from her work. Blues fan. Midwestern girl. Can sing the Frederic Roofing jingle.
Dec 15, 2002
Microsoft Teams sucks. Waiting for a meeting to start and the other side can't get connected because Teams keeps saying "You're in X room. This room does not exist." and then tries connecting them into a different room.
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Registered User
Mar 6, 2014
Central Florida
Microsoft Teams sucks. Waiting for a meeting to start and the other side can't get connected because Teams keeps saying "You're in X room. This room does not exist." and then tries connecting them into a different room.

Ah,the Ole "Sorry I am having issues and can't connect" ploy when really you are taking in an afternoon ballgame. That's a user issue, not the platform lol


Registered User
Apr 14, 2018
Microsoft Teams sucks. Waiting for a meeting to start and the other side can't get connected because Teams keeps saying "You're in X room. This room does not exist." and then tries connecting them into a different room.
I use Teams everyday and never have issues. But others that move rooms sometimes do.

Moral of the story is that any change is bad :)
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