For guy who goes on and on about "Team culture", and "the room", what are we to make of this? Sounds like Guerin, and those around him(O'Hearn), make a habit of demeaning people under them.... just like his predecessor.
Leipold needs to get this under control, and fast. I don't know much about he even competent to hire a GM? He seems to be a guy who is willing to pony up $$, and otherwise doesn't publicly undermine his management, which is good, but maybe he ius not the best at assessing people.
It could be that this was a one time situation, and/or Heydt is overly sensitive, but being that both Guerin and O'Hearn were investigated, it sounds like more than that. I would bet that Heydt made this complaint out of desperation, understanding that this action would put his career in jeopardy. I don't see him staying on with the Wild comfortably after this, and what team will rush to hire a guy, rightly or wrongly? Jobs in the NHL are hard to come by- he has probably committed career suicide by his action.