Holloway literally said as much publicly and Bowman did not refute it, so it stands as public record of the matter. Any other representation of the situation is fake news until proven otherwise, and anyone temporarily bootlicking for whoever the latest failure of a GM we trot out is truly the lowest of the low in the fanbase or among our species in general. Especially someone who has been around long enough to lick the boots of dozens of managers at this point and circumspectly disparage them when theyre gone in order to praise the new failure as they arrive.
You know, the Skinner lovers and the Skinner haters receive a TON of hate here on hfboards, but IMO that is all just part of the roller-coaster of regular fan dicsourse. Part of being a fan.
If you want to know who the true VILLAINS are, look for the posters whose natural inclination is to always defend and apologize for whoever the current management is and seize every opportunity to attack and denigrate anyone outgoing from the organization-- including yesterday's manager that they just finished tongue polishing the day before. These people are representatives of the lowest elements of society, desperately seeking to be part of the in group and cloying for the approval of their perceived superiors hoping to bolster their own self image by association, regardless of merit. In real life these are the traitors, the collaborators, the sell outs, the uncle toms, the social parasites. The HF version is so loathsome and so predictable, behavioural patterns repeating with each incoming management team and the pitchforks out for anyone who doesnt fall in line and shine the new GMs shoes like a good Kapo.