They were already outplaying the vets. If you had eyes you could tell that Holloway and Broberg were already better than the likes of Connor Brown, Derek Ryan, Cody Ceci, and Brett Kulak last year. The difference is that when Holloway/Broberg blew a coverage or had a giveaway they would get benched while Brown or Ceci single handedly losing us a game would get them a hug and more minutes to help them "break out of their slump". Holloway and Broberg becoming better than Hyman and Nurse was certainly not something most of us saw coming, and maaaaybe the "slow cooking" caused that to happen. I'm of the opinion that we prevented it from happening earlier by not giving them the opportunities. Regardless of how you think the development went, the reality is that their level of play was above that of players who got more ice time and games. The Oilers are not a team that awards playtime and opportunities based on merit, they award it based on the colour of your beard and how old you are. See also: Michael Kesselring.