I wish we all could have been with our friend poster Yakushev72 when Canada won Gold in 2010, and 2014, it must have been the worst moments of his Hockey fandom days which would have made for comedic gold for the rest of us lol.
Can you imagine if Canada wins in 2018, he might finally give up hope like most of other Russian posters that has since left this board on Russia ever winning Gold in this lifetime.
Until then every post will constitute
A) Canada has to win by multiple goals otherwise Gold doesn't count.
B) Canada would not have won in 2010 and 2014 if the referees were european, all calls were in favor of Canada even though in both instances Canada got called for more penalties
C) Canada didn't face Russia in 2014 so Gold should therefor be removed once more.
D) Canada clogged up the neutral zone, they are not allowed to do so if it has to count, they must just stand at the opposing blue line and hope for the best.
E) Canada's World Cup plan is a plot from Prime Minister Harper to convince the Canadian public that no one is close to Canada in Hockey when the results are already decided before the tournament. Referee's, public, and players all want Canada to win. I will NOT support this counting as a best on best tournament, but I will watch, and criticize once more that Canada waits in the neutral zone hoping to cause turnovers.
F) Until Canada wins at the World Championships, Canadian Hockey has no supremacy, only in that tournament do results matter.
And the post he will never let out.
G) Canadian Hockey is great, I am so jealous to be honest that Russia hasn't won Gold in the only tournament that matters and it will be over 25 years come Pyeongchang 2018, I wish Russian Hockey knew what it means to play defense, when will we have our own Drew Doughty. (Wiping tears)