
It's not even funny anymore. FIFA isn't something that'd fallen from the sky it's management is elected on the congress of representatives of all national federations of its members. It could be corrupt, but in the end it goes in the direction of what football world want and all the countries are part of it. Do you see difference with NHL? FIFA World Cup is our tournament which was created because there were demand in it. And because of that it has its importance. And only because of it importance for every football fan, everyone in football world want to play there. It's true for continental competitions too. There is interest in such tournaments and because of that best of the best are playing there. Not the other way around. And we have an example of Confederation Cup which is completely unneeded tournament nobody gives a **** about. Despite it's very high level of players. You can't create artificial interest by making a tournament that nobody want.
CC is a tournament of NHL that was invented to get some profit for NHL. There is nothing wrong with it. It's pre-season exhibition commercial tournament. Why should it be anything else for us? Why do you want that it should be anything else for us? I mean even from business point of view all the profit goes almost exclusively from NA fans. What Europeans think should be completely irrelevant.
I don't care. If that opinion were from 1976, it could have some historical interest for me, but reflection about past..., no, I don't care about it at all.
Why can't you? You've already replied on my first post here where I had written next words:
I assure you that my opinion didn't change in last few hours.