I think this is probably my favorite one, ever, in the NHL:
It just looks so classy, clean, and uncluttered. (And I prefer the 'white' jerseys in general.)
I agree with the page 1 poster who nominated the Gretzky-Kings'-era jerseys, especially in his first two or three seasons there:
As far as the worst goes, it has to be any of the mid-to-late-90s' ones that were introduced, with the ridiculous "angled" lines on the arms and the super-complex logos (such as sampled on page one of this thread). Those were brutal. St.Louis's were particularly ugly in the mid-to-late-90s, as were most of the Ducks' ones.
I have to agree that Vancouver takes the prize as worst-jersey franchise. I don't even know how to begin to explain their ineptitude in basic graphic design. I just don't like Blue and Green in combination on sweaters (so I don't like the Whalers' ones), and the only thing worse than that was the 80s' ones, which defy description:
But they're all terrible:
Also, why have they had so many logos, all of them bad? The 'zooming skate' I sort-of get. The orca logo is just ugly. And what's with the hockey-stick one? Is that supposed to be a 'C', or is it just a stick for no particular reason?