Wouldn't every team want a ton of bandwagoners?
Yes and no. Yes, because they're times when bandwagon fans do become hardcore fans of the team and a fan of the game though not every single bandwagon fan becomes a hardcore fan of the team or the sport.
No because, see my response to FrozenRoyalty.
The whiners complaining about bandwagoners are just jealous that their team doesn't have people hopping on the so called bandwagon.
Not exactly.
No such thing as a bandwagon fan. Fans are fans. Every fan has the right to enjoy this sport and their favorite team in any way they wish, to whatever depth they wish. No one has the right to judge them.
What you have here sounds great in theory but in reality isn't going to be.
When it comes to those things said and done by those in a fanbase that makes the fanbase itself and everything associated with that same fanbase look bad, usually it comes more from those who are a bandwagon/fairweather fan than those are a hardcore fan. The truth is most of the bad apples are not hardcore fans to begin with.
All it takes is a little bit of success either from the team or from a business standpoint(i.e. attendance spike/start of a sellout streak) in order to get to the best of others but this happens more among the non-hardcore fans. Win a championship(especially for the 1st ever time), those same fans start thinking the team is the New York Yankees or Manchester United. Get a sellout streak going and those same fans start to think that the market for hockey is just like the market of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Here are some of the things done by these individuals who have let a little bit of success get to the best of him or her and at times these same things are done in a blind fashion.
1. Throwing stones from a glasshouse.
2. Mocking the very unfortunate situation of another franchise beyond the play of the team(i.e. bankruptcy, threat of relocation) they don't understand in a very highly sophisticated detail.
3. Become what they loathe from other fans. For example, those same fans who don't like it when someone(usually a relocationist) in an unprovoked manner wishes for him or her and the rest of the fans in the fanbase to lose their team actually in an unprovoked manner wish for other fanbases to lose their team.
4. Go around shooting their mouths off like their an expert of the teams history and the game when in reality they're not, especially towards those who are an expert of the team history and the game.