“You can't have the wife I have and the kids I have and the family I have without being a good human being. I don't have any problem with that whatsoever."
What an unbelievable lack of self awareness from a real piece of garbage
I know plenty of great women who are with world class losers, great women who stay with drunks, dudes who play video games all day, ignore their responsibilities as a dad and a husband, guys who cheat on their wives the second they get a sniff of something strange. Guys who would rather collect Pogie and work 10 hours a week, than make an effort in life and be successful. They are not great women because of their husbands, they are great women because they are great people. Thoughtful, kind, caring, smart, talented, tolerant.
Coaching ball for 30ish years, I've seen many kids pass through my teams and there are some shit bag kids , that come from shit bag parents, I've also seen many great kids come from shitty fathers / mothers. Babcock is like hey look at my kids I'm a great person, who probably have had limited interaction with Babcock because of his time consuming job, yeah my wife raised them so I deserve all the credit.
I was a hands on dad, I spent a lot of time with my kids, I would see my kids going down the wrong path I would correct them. At the end of the day, where they go in life is because of their decisions and their actions, at a certain point my influence on who they become is not all that major of a factor.
Lack of self awareness is a great description.