Does this mean Finland gets their 1974 bronze medals?
And yet people still ask why the Finns are so into getting all those damn Bronzes.
Btw, I read the full judgement by the DC. Essentially they seem to have taken everything the player and the doctor had to say for the face value which is at least curious regarding that what the doctor had to say about the matter took a complete 180 degrees turn between that Sunday night and the following Monday: "This is extremely weird if everyone is speaking truth" on Sunday vs. "Completely my fault" on Monday.
For the general anti doping work from now on, isn't this pretty much throwing the 'strict liability' rule out of the window, if everything is just peachy as long as the suspected sportsman can bring a doctor with him and their stories about it being the doctor's fault match? An obvious massive moral hazard.
Though, quoting the ruling:
The IOC Disciplinary Commission wishes to stress that the above outcome is based on the very specific facts of this case and should in no way be considered as either detracting from the personal duty of athletes to ensure that no prohibited substance enters their system or minimizing the consequences of any failure to meet that duty.
To be cynic with it, is the continued NHL presence such very specific fact? Because they haven't come out with any sort of actual explanation why Bäckström's test was above the limits that already are supposed to take normal medical usage in consideration or announced that the limit is to be raised because it is currently too low. Prolonged usage adding up? Dehydration just after the game?
Bäckström told he took the Zyrtec-D on the test day two and a half hours before the game, but shouldn't such use be expected to be within the allowed limit? Or should it not, because they tell they very explicitly have forbade taking the medicine 24 hours before the game and if the team doctor yet allows taking it isn't that such show of "unprofessional doodling" on his part, to quote a doping-associated term, that it just can't be taken as an unintentional gaffe?
I really am not trying to establish here that Bäckström is a cheater, I'm just saying that when the IOC-DC goes on to clear him of these blatant cheater allegations, shouldn't they actually have tried to
clear him with some hard facts how exactly it came to happen that he was above the limits in the test without his own fault. "Because the team doctor cleared him to take the med in an explicitly forbidden fashion" seem to be what they are offering now.