Only saw parts of the game.
1. Yes I think that was the right call but I don’t blame Bednar for challenging it.
2. Don’t have anything to add about the goaltending that hasn’t been said already except that I like Wedgewood’s personality. Hopefully he can provide some stability for a little bit.
3. The double Sam pairing has been solid so far IMO, hopefully it stays together even after Manson comes back.
4. de Haan was okay, Ludvig however was a f***ing trainwreck. Damn, I didn’t realize how awful he was. Guess they might try Middleton next game, I’m sure he’ll be terrible but I can’t imagine he’s much worse.
Great comeback win, but as others have said I just don’t know what to make of this team, other than the fact that Georgiev sucks and everyone but the Altitude crew knows it.