My wife battled it and they still hammer you with the maximum dose of radiation that your body can stand. Burned her permanently. Then dose you full of poisonous chemo till your body can’t take any more. We just buried her brother two months ago. Not saying there aren’t different chemicals they treat you with but still mostly a death sentence
I am truly, really sorry for your loss and the pain cancer has caused your family. While not every form of cancer is getting the same breakthroughs there are many forms where while they can't cure it, they can almost allow a patient to live with it. It takes decades and cancer is particularly nasty/intelligent/hard to kill.
But...I'm still currently living proof and hope that we will eventually find a cure. I was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer in late 2019 (Dec. 26th, Merry Christmas, eh?). I was given less than a 25% chance to make it to a five years. A decade earlier, I would not have had 18 months. The significance of this Christmas is not lost on me. I will be playing completely on the house's money come December.
Some of the changes it has caused have sucked, but I've adapted. What I can't stress is how important my wife has been in all of this. Her fierceness, drive and unwaivering belief in me has sustained me through the times I couldn't have otherwise handled. Also, the nurses in the chemo ward... I can not say enough about the positivity and level of care they have provided. Goddamned angels, every single one of them.
I'm just sorry as hell that everyone's story isn't as "good?" as mine has been. While I'll never be cured or ever get off chemo, I have extended my life beyond what it would have otherwise been. I might know the name of my killer but as Norm MacDonald said, while I may not be a doctor, "I'm pretty sure that when you die, the cancer dies too. That's not a loss, that's a draw."
Sorry for the long ass and personal post, Kind of ironic...I haven't made a a freaking GDT in years, and actually had no clue it was Hockey fights Cancer night.