I seen guys who were ripped not be able to keep up in SFAS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection) during log drills, obstacles, running, ropes etc. Those guys that looked like the Rock lasted days, and if they lasted longer had injuries.
Hench talks about it, and I agree. Muscle isn't always the answer.
Have enough to hall your ass and your equipment over the wall. Anything more is not efficient.
I was like 180lbs at 5'11 at 22 when I made it through that.
Makar is listed at 187lbs at 6', but I'm pretty sure he's like 5'11.5" lol unless he grew after the draft combine. Very similar build to him and Duchene.
People like Nuke are freaks.. I've seen a couple. Watching a giant man that's 6'2 210lbs run a 6:30 mile.. You can feel it in the ground while next to them running.
Those people might as well be Khan/Vulcan lol.
Again, 100%. Sent a PM that indicated a vocation that where muscle mass as detriment to just plain function within one’s body and discipline.. goes to your analysis. 100% spot on your take on this.
Takes me to for instance the different martial arts disciplines have been in to, where the cut and mass dudes often would go to strength... and get owned, and injured, shocked by the least likely appearance-wise. Not just getting thrown around by dudes, and ladies… but the shock impact of hits or strikes would be mystifying to the cut guys. Not to the deliverers of said disciplines of course. Totally responding to your “You can feel it in the ground while next to them running”.. translates to when getting tagged by a less than assuming physical specimen that rattles your fillings, you can feel the energy emanates a few feet from into the earth, and those guys, and ladies, have that *it* thing. Have been tagged by a few Vulcans.
Look at G tonight.
And Nuke is a freak yep. Pondered his dealing with his demons, the wrong question is how can one function at such high levels as he had been capable while doing Val extracurricular stuff. A different er question is strap on some wires and sensors and analyze the guy while doing his Val stuff. I focused on his skating this eve and was curious about what his last few months of training were like, leading up to his return. Game conditioning, no duh. But thought it appeared he had some flexibility that I dunno, induced by gym time, ice time, but also stretching in the regime?? Mebbe a leap to think that came across but, mebbe not.
Anywayz… all this circles back to juice, and agreeing with your take on his fast twitch function and what could be brought to his training to improve. There is definitely room for improvement. Be interesting to have access to an Avs trainer to ask that thinking.
Always into these nuanced ideas, convos. Across you-name-it-disciplines. Man, the training techniques, the sports medicine… man… incredible what has happened over even a few short years. I poke around here only gametime so dunno what people's takes are on Landy. Mebbe can go find some board discussions on what people here think about Landy prognosis? Stuff like that, all cool...