It drops at 5 AM.
Hey, I worked on over 200 features and about 25% of the Friends episodes. Editing takes time!!! A little patience.
But I don't tell everyone and drop names and moments like the Mayor. I will only share my favorite moment of 10 yrs at WB. and no more!
....maybe someday I will tell you about some azzhat everyone would know, that was uber pissed that I actually stopped at 2 stop signs...and did not roll through them. (okay, I guess I am telling now) I stopped, as WB security would give out tickets and if you got 3, you lost driving on the lot privileges. So, I had 1 ticket and decided to drive the posted 12 mph (ok, 20, who can drive 12?) and stop at stop signs. So, this guy behind me in a bigazz Bronco (like OJ's) was livid I stopped, meaning he had to as well. After the second stop, he went around me about 40 mph and could have killed someone. I'm sure he never got tickets.
One Summer evening, was coming back on the lot from dinner break. There were 4 of us in the car...maybe 8 PM, but still sunny. Not many on the lot...ahead of us, is Robin Williams and he's dressed in some costume....he gets in front of the car and waves us down to stop. lol. We stop (I was in backseat) and he gets his head in the drivers window and starts into this whacky gibberish dialect , that was not any known was hillarious,
We all just kind of took it in and he was using hand gestures and very animated about where he wanted us to go.
It's just the way he was. All of us were just laughing and wondering what we witnessed, as we drove to our building.
Oh, the azzzhat was a male Friends cast member not named Matthew Perry or Mat LeBlanc.