I know you're a Pens fan, but for some reason I thought you were Canadian. Unfortunately I don't have any business contacts in Pennsylvania.
This might be an odd thing for a Canadian to say right now, but thank you for your service. This will pass. Both of our countries are stronger together.
I meant to respond to this earlier and then got side tracked but I do appreciate you thinking of me HO.
And I appreciate the kind words regarding the service. I look back on that time as a pretty eye opening experience for a 19-22 year old kid, especially given the time frame (spent a lot of time in combat zones) and what was going on around the world.
I was very fortunate to see a lot of western Europe (Prague is as far east as I got there), the bulk of ME, and a bit of SW Asia. We always stopped (coming and going) in St John's (Halifax a few times), and I absolutely adored that area and would pick it as one of my top choices for places to permanently relocate to, gun to my head. The people were among the most friendly and genuinely laid back groups I've ever encountered in my travels. I know the winters can be quite extreme but there is just something stunningly beautiful, whether you're on the coast or traveling more inland and north, especially.
Seeing so many different cultures and understanding that people, regardless of where they are on the planet, aren't terribly different in most cases, ight be the biggest reveal I took from the 4 years in the AF. The vast majority of us, want to live good lives, honest lives, with a core group of family and friends, and co-exist in a general sense. A lot of (by design) really great people and deeds get overlooked and canceled out by the noise of politics and entertainment sadly.