Update: the kitten was like about 2 weeks old, abandoned, took to a vet and got injections, eyes opened last Wednesday ("Hi Shadow" i said, high school girls choosing the name Friday night). Saturday morn the woman, who runs the restaurant across the street that saved the cat, escorted me to a 'good' vet who put on an overly-tight IV (the wrapping i litterally could not cut off until 2 days later - a limp persists) and the IV didn't work!
To recap: Tuesday a very young abandoned kitten after days of meowing in a yard was rescued by the Korean (i'm in South Korea) restauranteur nearby who knows i have two 10-year-old sibling cats (10 years previously, i received a knock on my door in 2014 and my past employer had two kittens in her hand and asked me to choose one, her friend's cat had had a litter and she knew i loved cats - i said i needed until Monday to decide, and of course didn't Sophie's choice it, i took her and him). That Tuesday night my employer fed it milk from a mini-bottle from my shoulder (his female high school class of three at the academy had run to a supermarket two blocks away to get "pet milk" for puppies and kittens. Shadow ate well.
The next day i took the kitty to a vet, it got two shots, and stopped eating for three days! The new vet on Saturday put an IV in - ineffective - and Sunday morning, after 24 hours of nothing getting better i took out the iv and fed the kitty wet food, which it ate ravenously!
So, a vet on Wednesday, and another vet on Saturday "treated" the kitty and it stopped getting food both times, cost nearly 500 dollars, and when on Monday i returned to the vet (not open since 1pm Saturday) to get the overly tightly wrapped iv bandage taken off - my scissors couldnt do it; the cat has limped on that paw since the damage the iv bandage caused - incompetence? Or standard operating procedure?).
The kitten is eating and pooping (once big, twice small, enlarged tummy hopefully isnt some infected/worm problem). It isn't getting bigger. It is playing and grooming. It is meowing less loudly however (a sign of lack of vigor?).
Next Monday a 30-something apartment-dwelling (to keep the kitty inside; important) Korean woman wants to adopt it.
I hope she isn't hoping for "Hello Kitty" enjoyment only. A cat, especially a young fragile kitty, needs nurturing, attention, and consideration (12 hours away is neglect).