Panarin + Trouba < Gusev + SubbanYa’ll remember when people were saying Subban was a better pickup than TroubaGood times
Panarin + Trouba < Gusev + SubbanYa’ll remember when people were saying Subban was a better pickup than TroubaGood times
Ya’ll remember when people were saying Subban was a better pickup than TroubaGood times
Yah pretty funny to think that some thought this. I have to admit and I'm probably in the minority seeing I know he turns alot of peeps off but I happen to like Subban both on the ice and off of it always have...always will. He's just a tremendous guy from all the interviews I've seen of his and all the charitable endeavors he's involved in.
That said and it kind of pains me honestly to say this and I've said this a few times here on this thread but his time as a bonafide #1 PP QB and a #1 pairing dman has come to an end. I've joked around and said his gal pal Lindsey Vonn has made him "weak kneed" as he's getting too much action before games but in all seriousness, his game has deteriorated to the point where I'd say he's more of 2nd if not 3rd pairing dman at this point in his career.
His skating has gone to the point where he's gone from being decently fast and quick to where it looks like he's skating in mud. His shot from the point which used to be feared not as much as Shea Weber but close, is non existent now.
For those of y'all old enough to remember and have seen former Ranger Dman and favorite for alot us fans from the 80's Reijo Ruotsalainen who was fast as the wind, he also had a great shot from the point but most of the time it never hit the net or even close...hence his nickname "Rexy Plexy".
That's where Subban is at. And unlike Reijo who when he did hit the net scored alot of goals, PK can't even do that anymore.
Bottom line is Subban's $9 mill salary looks like an albatross and he's just a symbol of how disastrous a season this has been for the Devils as he's pretty much done as a star player. Shame too cause he's a hell of good guy...oh well.
My brother who’s a year younger than me and obviously a huge Ranger fan as well, just texted me and said reason the league changed conference and division names was cause Bettman in his infinite wisdom thought changing the names to something more geographical would help new fans identify with teams easier.
Not sure Bettman was right and more than likely he isn’t but it is what is tho I’m a sucker for some of the older aspects about the NHL than maybe some others and so wish they would have let things be.
Anyways your answer Snow is kind of correct...we’ll done!
Andre Deveaux got suspended and I think he had made the team at that point. That was before Hags' suspension though.Someone on a tryout got suspended a couple of pre-seasons ago. Before that I think it would have been J Moore who got done a few times for high hits, or Hagelin and Prust who both got suspended in the same playoff run.
Kane ejected after a cheap shot on Gudas. Something hella ironic seeing Caps fans in a tizzy over it, just can't quite put my finger on why...
Had me thinking, when was the last time a Ranger got suspended for a dirty hit? Honestly can't remember.
I'm probably wrong as there has got to be some Ranger suspended for dirty **** more recently but the last Ranger suspended for a "dirty play" that I recall was Adam Graves in 1992 Patrick Division final vs Penguins when he hacked Lemieux's wrist and I think broke it and caused Mario to miss rest of the playoffs tho they won the Cup anyways they were so loaded with talent.
Not to divert from topic but that might have been as dissapointed a year as I have ever had as a Ranger fan up to that point seeing alot of fans at the time thought that was the year we were going to break the curse as we were loaded with talent as well. But it was not to be but man that Ranger team was good.
Someone on a tryout got suspended a couple of pre-seasons ago. Before that I think it would have been J Moore who got done a few times for high hits, or Hagelin and Prust who both got suspended in the same playoff run.
Didn’t Avery have one for whacking a Bruin in the back of his ankles with his stick? Or am I misremembering?Andre Deveaux got suspended and I think he had made the team at that point. That was before Hags' suspension though.
It's hard not to like a guy who gives $10 mil to a Montreal children's hospital. There have been times I have found him super annoying as a player. He used to have an A+ ability as an agitator while still being a great hockey player. Not sure what's going on with him this year. He looks terrible but generally the entire New Jersey team has been a train wreck and Hall seems disinterested too. Someone like Hughes has got to be thinking WTF? I didn't think they were going to be a great team--I would have guessed no playoffs but maybe hanging around for a playoff spot most of the season but they are among the absolute worst teams in the league. For all intents their season is already over.
At the time of the draft lottery even non-partisan fans of other teams noticed the look of pure disappointment on j'accuse's face when the Devils card was revealed, even though he tried to hide it. He's probably already looking for any kind of loophole to get out of there as early as he can. You just know he was dying to be a Ranger or a Blackhawk.
This is right up there with @Trxjw being autocorrected to "tricks Jews".At the time of the draft lottery even non-partisan fans of other teams noticed the look of pure disappointment on j'accuse's face when the Devils card was revealed, even though he tried to hide it. He's probably already looking for any kind of loophole to get out of there as early as he can. You just know he was dying to be a Ranger or a Blackhawk.
This is right up there with @Trxjw being autocorrected to "tricks Jews".![]()
It’s wild how delusional they (and to a certain extent, their front office) are. Like, yeah, the guy who hasn’t done anything since his Hart trophy and who isn’t going to sign a contract in season is going to get that massive return that nobody else in recent memory has returnedThat’s okay, Devils fans have moved from being arrogant about how good the team is, to being arrogant about how good a return Hall will bring back
And once again their hopes will come crashing down when he’s inevitably moved for a non blue chip prospect package
It’s wild how delusional they (and to a certain extent, their front office) are. Like, yeah, the guy who hasn’t done anything since his Hart trophy and who isn’t going to sign a contract in season is going to get that massive return that nobody else in recent memory has returned
TV is so strange. Why do they all have to wield those rolled up papers. It's like they're all house training dogs during commercials.
Some [players] were willing to talk on the record, and others spoke off the record to provide background, but they all delivered essentially the same message:
Tortorella has chastised players in the middle of the dressing room or even on the bench during games, and there were times the confrontations were uncomfortable. They left the rink angry with him on occasion, and they often disagreed with his coaching decisions and/or his approach.
But they also were emphatic: They never witnessed Tortorella crossing the line to being verbally or physically abusive.
“He’s a fiery guy, and he definitely tries to push his athletes and motivate guys,” said Brandon Dubinsky, who has played under Tortorella for eight seasons with the Rangers and Blue Jackets.
“But as far as even talking about him in the same light as some of these other accusations, that would just be completely unfair and completely unwarranted.”
I got used to them constantly over- performing, thinking "oh they're gonna suck THIS year" and they make the cup finals or something. So yeah I kept quiet after a while too. But now I'm quiet because I feel bad for my Devils-fan friends.I was 100% certain the Devils were going to be trash this year, but I didn't say it too much because it would have just come off as sour grapes, and I knew we would have our own problems.
The offseason bravado has made their suckage so satisfying