This isn't "he has 10 goals this year." Nor is it 1+1 = 2. The website you guys are using takes into account assumptions, which, like it or not, do not make it fully objective. IN fact, their calculations are based on SUBJECTIVE data.
The sentiment of it i agree with. But in this case, the "statistics" are more of an educated guess (a very good one) then an actual fact, like many of you are presenting it to be.
It's somewhat pathetic that you guys would act like I'm an idiot because I don't feel as safe based on "assumed statistics."
These are calculated , not based on factual data, but on the "assumptions" that the Rangers will win the games against lower teams. Sure, it's a fair assumption to make, but these algorithms are based around these assumptions as facts. And as we've seen over the course of the year, the Rangers can certainly lose to teams like EDM, CAL, VAN, etc.
Again, I think their chances of making the playoffs are very high, but not a given.