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- Nov 25, 2020
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get on any web site that tracks...And lo and behold, you will find they did!! as in , in my day, they were better,Back in my day the first round picks would take over the game, they'd walk 20 miles (kilometers hadn't been invented by the commies yet) to the arena with their gear on their back with 5 feet of snow, up hill both ways!
This generation is lazy, now get off my lawn.
Here is a snippet.
2003-- the majority of players in the top 10 ( 8 of 10), had their teams in playoffs within 2 years. Fluery and Staal went to cups within 3 years
2004-- a poor year, except OVI and Malkin who are HOFs and all time greats. 4 cups combined, 5 appearances in Finals, All achieved tremendous success in years 2-3
2005- top 15, 4 HOFs, one legend (Crosby) about 6 cups combined. All earned early in their careers
2006 -- a poor year, but 1 HOF and 5 cups (Toews and Kessel), for top 10 picks.. All earned early in their careers.
I could continue... SO NOW, can you KINDLY COUNTER with the 2017-2021
I don't know what your time was, But in MINE.. Yes, top 15 picks walked on water..
TODAY's picks, sink like lead bricks.
THE reality is: this generation is worthless. they are being defended by themselves and the worthless parents that raised them. I am guessing you are one.
MICK...take two minutes to check, before you write. THOSE DUMB NHL commercials about that generation... It is to get ahead of this mess. They know it is true and want to get ahead of it.
Check out team Canada and see ages. See how many 2015-2022 are on there. Now see team Canada 2010 and see their ages... See team Canada 2014 and see their ages. See team Canada 1987 (The famous Lemieux goal), see their ages.
Crosby was 23 and the team leader in 2010, Toews was 22, Doughty was 22, Weeber, Seabrook, Bergeron 24. Nash, Richards, Perry, Staal..24 and 25. 13 of the 22 guys were 25 and younger. Duncan Keith wa sthe old man at 26.
NOW TELL ME ABOUT the 2025, 4 nations team????? all in an era where the game is getting faster!
feel free to examine the NFL, NBA, MLB and others for ages... here is an easy one, do the WNBA. See the USA dream team(s). Men's and women... See their ages. Compare to 20 years ago.
MICK..Normally I respect your posts. What you posted came off as a grade schooler, sticking his tongue out. Wonderful, mature reply from you.