Around the NHL — Episode XLXVI


Registered User
Aug 13, 2020
Bownman, Coach Q and MacIsaac being eligible to seek employment at all is such BS.

Like they've got a cup ring already, why do they deserve the privilege to make a career in the NHL again?
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What A Wonderful Day
Nov 25, 2020
Bownman, Coach Q and MacIsaac being eligible to seek employment at all is such BS.

Like they've got a cup ring already, why do they deserve the privilege to make a career in the NHL again?
so as not to make martyrs out of them.

permanently suspend them, and you violate the old; "everyone deserves a second chance".

Re-instate and hope that one one hires them. Now you satisfy all things.

Coach Q is 65, that alone probably does his chances in.
Bowman was getting a bad reputation in Chicago anyway (Hockey moves wise). There is no guarantee of another shot. Remember, he inherited that team. It was built by his predecessor (Talon).
MacIsaac is a POHO type. Those jobs are unique and generally go to close associates of owners. No guarantee he resurfaces unless he is damn good friends with some owner.

Now add in public opinion. Add in the Mike Babcock fiasco. And, I have some doubts they resurface.

Bettman is no dummy. And, you cannot be sure he did not make 32 phone calls, suggesting to teams to stay away.


Never said it was Sunshine
Apr 27, 2010
Detroit is looking pretty stacked, now. tough not to see them finish ahead of us again next season.
Their defense and goaltending are putrid. Tarasenko was on the 3rd line for us last season, and is expected to play in their top six.

I'm not seeing it. I also find Edvinsson to be really overrated, so I don't see him being the solution to their defensive woes, at least this year.
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Registered User
Oct 12, 2008
Detroit is looking pretty stacked, now. tough not to see them finish ahead of us again next season.

Stacked F's =/= stacked team. The D and G's look atrocious at the moment (minus Seider ovbiously).

They do have a ample cap space so a move could still come, but count me as someone who thinks they are due for a step back if they don't make a move to shore up the back end.
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Registered User
Oct 15, 2018
Stacked F's =/= stacked team. The D and G's look atrocious at the moment (minus Seider ovbiously).

They do have a ample cap space so a move could still come, but count me as someone who thinks they are due for a step back if they don't make a move to shore up the back end.
Their cap space looks better than it is. They need to sign Seider, Raymond and Velano.

Seider 8-10M

Raymond likely around 8M if he isn’t bridged.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2020
Detroit has a solid roster without glaring holes, but they don't have star power. Unless Raymond goes beast mode, or Danielson/Kaspar breakout, they'll be rekt


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