Come on. Would everybody and his aunt expect former Leaf Zach Hyman to outscore Austin Matthews in goals in 2023-24 season after Matthews scored an impressive 70 total?
Zach approaching 70 goals doesn't diminish Auston achievement, but Hyman's 9 playoff goals in 6 playoff games vs. entire Leafs teams scoring 10 combined makes quite a statement of what is wrong in TO.
As both a Leaf and Hyman fan, every goal he scores (particularly) after my Leafs foolishly let him walk thinking $5 mil was too much $, but can't help but wonder
IF Zach was going this for the Leafs instead.
For example Marner scored 26 regular season goals + Tavares scored 29 while each scored 1 more in the playoffs for a total of 57 total vs. Hyman who has now scored 63 goals by himself.
It might as well be why we might be seeing the Leafs core disassembled when MLSE is realizing they can't win with these spending habits, when have a bunch of $5 mil players achieving better success or bang for you cap buck and most importantly showing up and performing well come playoff time.