Top 6 Spaling
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Final prediction time!
Likely gone: Schenn
50/50: ROR, Sissons, McCarron, Novak - I think we move out at least one center
Possible: Saros, March, Del Gaizo, Blankenberg, Smith
Unlikely but not 0%: Stamkos, Josi, Forsberg (if anyone of them request a trade)
I figure everyone else is safe
Likely gone: Schenn
50/50: ROR, Sissons, McCarron, Novak - I think we move out at least one center
Possible: Saros, March, Del Gaizo, Blankenberg, Smith
Unlikely but not 0%: Stamkos, Josi, Forsberg (if anyone of them request a trade)
I figure everyone else is safe