Hughes is done in Jersey for the year, real good chance Jerseys pick continues to fall. Hopefully it drops enough to get to 11th, that'd be a huge win.
High teens or low 20s to Montreal while drafting with NJD at around 11-12 ish (protection cut off) in a vacuum should be a win.
But it's a specific scenario that should be dripping with extra bonus things to laugh about.
it's not about asset management though, they aren't screaming to trade this guys because their values are depreciating. They want the team to lose ad trading them would result in more losses.
It is, but the losses are the silver lining to some of them, but they fail to remember if our pick is high, Montreal gets it anyways. Going on a run and gifting Montreal a shit pick is actually funnier and more satisfying than gifting them a top pick.
The asset management concerns is that Kadri or Coleman could suddenly become valueless again. Which I kinda get, but it seems our situation is balanced for asset value. Get assets for those guys, gift higher value assets to Montreal. Don't get assets for those guys, gift lower value assets to Montreal.
NJD's pick is pure gravy right now. We might be getting a dream scenario (drafting damn high and giving Montreal damn low AND playoffs) and there's still complaints. This is the perfect year to be unsustainable and next year is a perfect year for regression. All this while keeping culture strong so that we don't end up in a Buffalo style death spiral.
This is spot on.
I also think people need to take a step back and look at this fully. How often do players with multiple years of term get dealt at the deadline? Rarely? You get your random Hertl type deals every so often, but more than likely these are summer trades.
The only way Nazem Kadri gets dealt from Calgary, is if this summer he comes to management and asks for it or in his exit meeting makes it apparent that he'd like a few more shots at a cup before he calls it career. Huberdeau is untradeable essentially, unless Calgary wants to hold a bunch of cash for several years (they won't).
Folks just need to enjoy this ride. This is completely goalie fueled, and we're not trading Wolf anytime soon. This team statistically should be one of the bottom clubs in the entire NHL, but the netminding is keeping it afloat. It reminds me of 2015 in a lot of ways, simply the opposite of what that ended up being (then we were scoring goals we shouldn't have been scoring, and today we're getting saves we shouldn't be getting). Well, what happened in 2016 when reality hit? The 6th overall pick.
This isn't a bad year to try to make some noise anyway, the draft is shallow, there might not be any players here that end up top 10-15 players in the league anyway. Like seriously guys, there are two guys projected to go in the top of the draft who've played less than 20 games this year. That seems very red-flaggy to me; it honestly seems closest to the 2020 draft where the value in the draft was found all over. The top two picks in the draft are clearly not the best players from this draft; in fact Connor Zary (picked at 24) is producing at the same clip as picks 1 and 2.
Rasmus is a summer deal unless someone within the next 36 hours gives Conroy exactly what he's looking for. He'll be traded the second Calgary finds out he's going to be looking for 8.5+M on a 8 year deal to stay here.
You're making me feel better about this season and I'm already thinking it's been well past expectations so far (minus me being ridiculously sick so ridiculously often and not being able to watch as much as I'd like).
Not just big picture, but patience as well. Zary was called a disappointment for a while. And now, as you said, he's performing at the same clip as picks 1 and 2. I haven't dug too deep, but this draft feels like a mixture of 2018 and 2020 to me. A combination of value across the board (2020), and a seemingly sudden decline at a certain point (pick 12 for 2018). IMO we likely get a good swing with our top pick, the second pick would be a good candidate for a split/trade/move to 2026 draft.
This is a very strange year, but on paper, IMO it's turning out better than imagined possible.