So, the interview I was asked about, such as it was. If you just want hockey, skip to the bottom.
I'd downloaded their "Protocols", basically rules for staff that were very similar to when I worked in Van, all the usual "do's and don'ts", confidentiality, etc. I prepped last night by practically memorizing all 11 pages, plus imagining 20 good questions they might ask and prepping good answers. This morning I spent an hour on my hair, half an hour on my face, and showed up ready to make my best impression.
The interview lasted maybe 20 seconds and had two questions. "Did you read and sign the Protocols?" Yes. "Can you start on the 31st?" Yes. And that was it.
Then I had a bunch of employment forms to sign and all sorts of information flying at me, plus was I available for Saturday afternoon, 1 April? I nearly said no, that was moving day, until I found out that it paid almost double Friday night's gig. And somewhere amidst all this, somebody said "We talked to Jenny and she was delighted with the job you did." I have no idea who Jenny is but I assume she was at the agency in Van. So, they basically hired me on just my application, past experience, and a background check. And the money is crazy good for mingling and smiling.
On to hockey: I haven't scanned all the GDT yet but I'm sharing the pessimism in here. I'd really love to see a victory, especially with the one mod's speedo pic hanging on the balance, but at this stage I'd be content just to see a few goals.
Even if we can't score tonight, can we PLEASE at least stop the first five shots? Please?