Has anybody ever performed or hired out home soundproofing?
When the time comes to finish our basement, I want a music room. I've been reading up on all the sound mitigation techniques to properly isolate the area from the rest of the house (adding mass, decoupling, room within a room, etc.) and I understand the concepts and the overall process. But when it comes to actual execution, I'm more Tim Taylor than Bob Villa in the home improvement department. So hearing from somebody who has gone through it would be helpful.
I'm torn between the much higher cost of at least partially hiring it out, and how much time and concentrated effort (for a guy who isn't exactly handy) to try to do it right.
Any home recording gurus with any feedback? (This would be the works, with dual drywall layers, green glue, mineral wool insulation, hat channel, double stud walls, etc. Roughly a 10x16 footprint, and the existing unfinished 9 ft ceiling includes two lengths of ductwork and some water lines that will need to be addressed, but with that amount of headroom, I might just put a round of treatments in the rafters and then use a drop ceiling with another round of treatments, to avoid having to reroute existing duct/water lines.)