Black & Blueshirts
This is going to be an odd one for sure but:
Back in 2019, my wife got me a Christmas gift. It was a game-worn jersey of Lias Andersson that he wore in Calgary in March of that year. It was the game where I appeared on the MSG Broadcast and Sam Rosen mentioned me by name. She also got me the helmet and gloves he wore in that game.
Lias may have moved on, but that jersey is still valuable to me because of the memory of the game.
In terms of the actual jersey, I have to go with the game-issued Hall of Fame Legends game jersey of Henrik Lundqvist from last November
That’s a pretty sweet memory for you and your wife and awesome to have the matching gear!
Way cool to get a shout out from Joe and Sam, too! I can see why that one is memorable.
But, that Hank jersey!