As to Nazar...shortchanged.. only 15GO this season to date intge show..BUT he is ona oace slightly below what Vinny Hinostroxza put up in his first "season" i the show.(the few games at end of colkege sesson is too small axdamplevto include) But in hos first lengthier showtime chancexafterxaxRockfordxseason ,,Hinosyrozza sored 3g 6a in40GP....about the same pace Nazar is at.
There was all this excitement when Vnny came up.. smurf but very fast goidxsjater..Nazar better I Rockford and a 1st rounder.. Vi ny more late rounder.. but if Nazar fails to convert soeddvubto production it amounts to tge sanecthibg=failed SMUTFS ..
Thev"imoact" Nazar has had is very disappointing.. That he has not shown he can translate his game to thevNHL level ..we shall judge him over the next 25 games to at least see if his scoring pace leaves Hinostrizza i the dust or becomes even a bigger fail...
Nazar getting 3C now after failing at 2C...But ische notvstollpn2nd Pp unot?
I cannot remember if Hinostrozza ever gotanyPp tome.
IfvNazar turns into Vince,hos NHL career will turn to just AHL "star".