@OmniCube This thread has died
Just saw this now, thanks for the mention
I cannot really rank anything after IX. I stopped being a gamer after that point. I've played X, it's objectively a very good game, but I don't like it. X-2 I never played and have no interest in doing so. I tried XII and hated it after less than 5 minutes and gave up.
I will, however, talk about I-IX; don't know much about Tactics/spinoffs and Mystic Quest is an insulting game that doesn't deserve further explanation. I have a hard time rigorously ranking these games, since I find it difficult to take emotions and technical aspects out of the equation. I will be commenting on the original Japanese versions unless I explicitly say otherwise.
I had the first game when growing up, I think it came out in NA in 1990 or 1991 (late in the NES lifecycle and not until after FFIII was released in Japan I believe). Since it didn't sell well, it's actually a valuable cart today (unlike Dragon Warrior I, which is extremely common.) They tried to sell this game hard in NA. I still remember a strategy guide coming out in
Nintendo Power about it (yes, I am that old) and I may still have that in a collection somewhere. But the game is buggy. I don't mean buggy like VI, which is full of coding errors that don't break the gameplay, I mean
BUGGY. Numerous spells either don't work properly or at all, weapon and armor elemental weaknesses are broken, etc...the list goes on and on and it definitely affects the game for the worse. There exists a "fixed" ROM floating around the 'Net that is interesting if one is into that sort of thing. I work as a software engineer and have an incredible admiration for the MOS6502 assembly language monsters that often single-handedly programmed these early games with very limited time and incredibly limited computational resources, so I love that stuff. The first game started it all, but it's not fun today, at all, in its original form. It is, however, much better than it's successor...
The second game...Oh dear. They cancelled this before it was released abroad and holy crap did they make the right decision. This would have been an unholy disaster in North America. They tried a new level-up mechanic in this one whereby you gain a particular skill by using it repeatedly. Makes sense, right? Well, here's the problem: This is one of the most unbalanced games in history. You start out more useless than Dave Nonis at a negotiating table, and the only practical way to level your weapon or magic is to take advantage of coding oversight on Nasir Gebelli's part: you cheat. You select "Attack", cancel, and select "Attack" again...over, and over, and over again. It's even worse with a spell, since the actions require a lot more keystrokes to select, cancel, etc and each spell starts at level 1. How to gain HP? Beat the shit out of your own characters. How to gain MP? Keep casting magic over and over again, making sure to drop below 50% max MP within a single battle. Oh, and did I mention that your strength attributes DECREASE when you perform magic-related tasks, even if it's to just endlessly level up a freaking Poison spell so that the Thunder Gigas doesn't rape you? And the kicker: the select/cancel trick does not work on the last member of your party, since the "battle mode" immediately activates upon executing an action with that character. Therefore, you cannot power level the last character in your party. Also, like its predecessor, in the Famicom version the game will target a particular enemy with an action even if the enemy is already dead from some other action within the same turn, so you get wasted actions often. To sum it up, this game was an unholy clusterf***, and don't listen to anyone that tries to tell you otherwise. A decent story with decent characters is completely ruined by
unspeakably bad gameplay mechanics.
If you want to imagine gaming hell, try playing the original Famicom version of Final Fantasy II without taking advantage of the select/cancel trick.
I freaking dare you.
FFIII was an incredible achievement for Famicom hardware. A massive improvement over the buggy first game and the war crime that was the second game. It introduced the job system, and due to that I'd argue has pretty decent replay value for such an old RPG. We now have auto-targeting, so no wasted actions. However, I've said this elsewhere as well, this game is absolutely
unforgiving. If you don't know what you're doing (ie not reading a FAQ and playing through without cheats + prior knowledge) and are insufficiently leveled the Famicom version is not going to hold your hand (this is assuming you're not full-blown Onion Knight, in which case you're death incarnate.) The final dungeon is long and can be brutally difficult. I remember the first time I made it to the Dark World after all that time spent in the Sylx Tower and Eureka, only to run out of healing items/magic and come to find that there is absolutely no way out other than winning the game or a Game Over...I was not happy. I dig the final boss music too. The plot and characters are kind of meh, but I would argue this is the first game in the series worth playing in its original form (if you like retro games).
FFIV...Oh, how I adore this game. This game is my favorite in the series. If you've never played it, you will not believe how strong an attachment you will get to the characters for such an old game. In terms of plot development and characters, when you consider the relative lack of technology Square was working with...my goodness. This game is incredibly emotional for its time and if you're playing the Japanese version it brings the difficulty in spades. The gameplay may be too simple for modern gamers and there's noticeably less replay value than FFVI but I would argue that the first playthrough of this game is as good or better as any game in the entire FF series. I don't even want to talk about specifics because I want anyone reading this that has never played this game to give it a try. You'll be glad you did. OK done fanboying.
I'm torn on the 5th game. I like the job system and I think this game has a lot of replay value even today. There are certain plot points that are definitely unexpected and shocking, but it's sandwiched between two of the greatest RPG's ever made so I think it gets slighted. The difficulty is really erratic; there are a few parts that are really hard but the rest of the game can be too easy. There's just...something missing here and I'm not quite sure what. There's not nearly the emotional, suspenseful drive to play this that there was with IV; it's not that the plot is necessarily bad, but it's definitely not great.
Final Fantasy VI is, in my opinion, the greatest game in the series. Yes, I know it's buggy. Yes, I know the World of Ruin is too nonlinear. The thing is, this game takes the plot power and emotion of IV and adds far more gameplay depth, variety and replay value. Plot-wise, it's more refined than VII; gameplay-wise, it's superior to IV. This game is legendary for a reason. Not my favorite, but the best. It just is. There's only one retro RPG ever made I'd consider superior to it, and that game is not a FF game so I will not mention it here. As I type this, I had the reason to load up "Dancing Mad" from Youtube again. This game is simply transcendent.
VII...is somehow the most overrated and underrated game in the series IMO, if that makes any sense. It's not the best game ever made; I don't think it's even the best game in the series. However, upon playing through this again the only one I clearly view as definitely a step above is VI. Some people hate this game because it "changed everything", but I partially disagree with that. I think the Materia system was a natural evolution from Espers, I like the characters, I love the gameplay, and as I said in another thread, I like this game more every time I play through it. Every time I get something new. It's awesome. It's not perfect but it's great. I kind of like the mini games too. Also, how can you not love a final boss theme that goes "BELLS FROGS, BIG CHERRIES, TINA FEY, HAM AND CHEESE, DAFFY DUCK"? That said, it really did signal a seismic swing in the trajectory of the series in general, swinging more toward the casual gamer and anime fan than the previous nerddom subculture (such as myself) that was the previous target audience.
VIII: I f***ING HATE THIS GAME. I hate drawing magic spells, I hate the gunblade, I hate the limit break system, I hate the card game and I hate Squall's stupid emo face. I know that's not a legitimate gripe but f*** Squall and the eyeshadow he cries into. I wanted to like this game but I can't. I don't like the gameplay or the plot. Also, f*** Squall.
IX: I like it. It was kind of a throwback to the days of gaming that I knew best, the last bastion of the old-school Final Fantasy gamer. It doesn't hold up to VII and certainly not to VI, but the core was old-school. It's a good game IMO.
Once X came out, I realized the FF games that I loved growing up were not going to come back, and it was around this time that I stopped being a gamer. Not really my thing anymore.