Confirmed with Link: All-Purpose "Days of Our Meruelo" Talk


Deactivated Coyotes Fan
Jan 13, 2021
Gilbert, AZ
Because the building doesn't have the Physical space to make it hockey friendly. I've been to the building for Jazz games, it's an incredibly steep building which is great for basketball but how are you physically going to alter that?? outside of a complete renovation ala Seattle's rink.

It's all scam and a path for Ryan Smith to get a new Arena/District elsewhere. Have fun with that Utah!


Registered User
Jul 16, 2017
Because the building doesn't have the Physical space to make it hockey friendly. I've been to the building for Jazz games, it's an incredibly steep building which is great for basketball but how are you physically going to alter that?? outside of a complete renovation ala Seattle's rink.

It's all scam and a path for Ryan Smith to get a new Arena/District elsewhere. Have fun with that Utah!
The scam is us getting our hockey ops. and team back! :naughty:


Registered User
Aug 27, 2011
Everyone makes mistakes Jakey, we all know that. But in Mr Mureulo's case its very easy to see a pattern. And in my business life when I made an error with a company I made it right and made sure it didn't happen again. And FTR I see a massive difference in nogatiating away a late charge for a missed invoice versus trying to negotiate a better price after the fact on a negotiated price. One is honest and one is deliberate.

I guess you are kinda letting us all know how much integrity Jakey the businessman has???
You know, the only pattern you see is hearsay. Innocent until proven guilty.


Clean Hits on Substack
Because the building doesn't have the Physical space to make it hockey friendly. I've been to the building for Jazz games, it's an incredibly steep building which is great for basketball but how are you physically going to alter that?? outside of a complete renovation ala Seattle's rink.

It's all scam and a path for Ryan Smith to get a new Arena/District elsewhere. Have fun with that Utah!
Your source is “I seent it!” ? :)
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2011
If you want to discount reporting from multiple independent sources in both the journalistic space as well as reports from the PA and NHL, that's up to you. But Meruelo isn't going to give you any ROI for your blind faith in him. Most guys in his position think that their biggest defenders are the easiest marks.

You know, you're the one who bought that property... you have to live with it, but good luck trying to sell it to suckers... :laugh:
There are suckers born every day, many reside on this forum.;)
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Deactivated Coyotes Fan
Jan 13, 2021
Gilbert, AZ
Seems like you’re making up fantasy stories to help convince yourself that bailing on the team to be a Vegas fan was the right call…
Bailing on the team??? The heck do I care about Utah?? I used to travel to SLC monthly for work. I hate that place for other reasons.. even with Josh Doan on the team, there is no way I can support the Smith Entertainment Group.

That said, Delta Center is twice as bad as footprint for hockey. I legitimately have no idea how they will physically make it work for hockey.

What fantasy story am I making up? Do you and support the Smith family, lol


Registered User
Apr 25, 2012
You make it sound like the verdict is already in.
The verdict has been on for months but hey continue to bury your head if you want. Oddly I've never heard the Coyotes say they didn't withhold payment or try to negotiate after services were rendered.?? Seems you might want to say something if the reports were incorrect??


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
If negotiating a better deal makes someone a scum bag than I am one for offering less than sticker price at every place open to negotiations. Sounds like sour business people for having to negotiate fair prices.

Still not sure why you are hanging onto this but willing to let go of someone being charged with a violent crime. Bills were paid, says so in the article you provided that was sourced through someone said and I heard someone say sources.
Negotiating a better deal takes place before you enter a contract for goods and services.

Stiffing your business partner by reneging on the contracted price takes place after the goods and services have been consumed or delivered.

Meruelo is criticized for stiffing his business partners, not for negotiating a better price. There's a World of difference


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
How do you know its not the other way around? Hotel tried to charge more than the negotiated after he team slept in the hotel? This goes two ways but the fact that it was settled makes it a moot and the fact that you don't give same leniency to AM and you do Barroway and his strangulation charges is odd.
You are losing all credibility here.

Grasping at straws.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
North America
It's just a lot easier and cleaner to pay the bills, in full, every time.

Don't forget too that among the past instances was players not getting their signing bonuses on time.
It,likely comes down to an ownership group running a sports franchise like a business….

Example….. paying contractors only when the work is done..only payout every 60 days… or once per quarter.

they likely negotiated hotel rates.,, “ give us a deal we are bringing in 40 people” maybe the players watched some TV , ordered room service.. .. owners crossed it out as it should be a flat rate in their opinion.

All speculation of course… but I think it comes down to hiring a CEO with no experience running a sports franchise..

If they win the auction and reactivate the team , they had better learn from their mistakes. If you want XG as your spokesperson fine… but don’t make him the CEO … put someone in there that knows what has to happen day in and day out.. hopefully being an observer and seeing how other teams operate will make a difference going forward


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
North America
Harold Ballard ran the Leaf back in the day.
He was the ultimate cheapskate and dipshit of an owner. Championship Banners? We can use them as covers while painting and later sell them (when He died they got new ones from the league). What names on a player jersey? How am i supposed to sell the game booklet (i think its called that) with the names of the players and their numbers?

And those are just two examples of the stuff he did. I bet my ass that he also skimmed on hotel bills and everything else to make a buck.
The thing is the leafs were mediocre at best between their last cup and the day he died. But still made money hand over fist.
He alienated beloved players, coaches and Play by play anouncers and still the people came.

He didn't have to do any of that but he still did and the league did not care. Because he rakes in the cash.
Which means you can be a bad owner as long as you bring in the dough everything is fine.
I honestly don’t think he wants to be a bad owner… I just think he doesn’t know how to run a sports franchise…. Fine .. right now he is the only one that can bring a team back… learn from your mistakes and hire an experienced CEO ..

Owning the actual arena makes a huge difference…. But hire an experienced group that can manage the arena..


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
North America
I wouldn't expect you to, I'd expect the news article to have that. They don't even name a hotel, and that's sad that whoever reporting can't even name that. ESPN and Athletic is a business and if you don't think they will produce something for clicks then I don't know what to tell ya. The blind acceptance is wild to me to, and I would like to see if you are interested in some ocean front property I have for sell in Yuma.

Believe me, its a great property at a price you can't pass up. No need to verify the ocean is there, I am sure you believe me.
That’s the problem with the world of hockey journalists… one person speculates…. And others report it as fact and and use the first guy as the source..

It was tough for me to hear all of this when it first came out.. because the person who reported it has been incorrect or very vague before.. and by the time it had hit the local radio stations up here.. the info was completely incorrect… time and time again..

Then certain experts would have podcasts about this misinformation.. finally come on the PHNX podcast for an interview.. only to find out that they are not in the loop. They were just quoting the first source who was proven wrong.

There was a reason Craig Morgan was so against the news when it first broke, because of the person who broke it, and how wrong or misinformed the guy had been in the past.

This time unfortunately it was correct… I guess you throw enough darts at a board one will stick.. As far as all the stories that are now being attached.. I guess in this case we assume it’s likely true to some extent.. until it’s proven wrong..AM had the chance to address the paying of bills, but just said he “wouldn’t be in business if he didn’t pay his bills” but that didn’t address if he was late, or changed the amounts…
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Let it burn
Mar 30, 2010
Glendale, Arizona
Actually...ummm...yes. Yes it is, for me. Even moreso if you market it as the original Orlando Magic people did in the 80s as "you get to see the rest of the league's stars! Right here in your city!"

The last couple of years were a splurge for me, getting season tickets at Mullett, having to split them with other people, paying 5x what I paid in what a great commute! Typically in those 10+ years I was the sole holder of tickets in Glendale, I would go to 20-25 games in decent upper deck seats which cost me - after selling some to friends and on Stubhub when I had conflicts, etc. (Or Chicago!) - about 2 or 3 days take-home pay. That's it. And I don't make, like, doctor/lawyer money, much less F40 successful business-owner money :laugh:. As bad as the team was, by far the worst thing about the whole experience was....well, I'll just come right out and say it....getting to Glendale on weekday evenings. The rest of it, I had a blast - even the losing...maybe meet a buddy at the Renaissance hotel bar, have one or two pregame, watch NHL hockey live for 2.5 hours, drive home traffic free at 10pm.

So, yeah, I don't so much care how bad the owner is. Sure, I'd rather have a good one, and maybe one day the team gets sold to one... but not having a team in the city == 40+ fewer fun opportunities in that city.
The good thing about him getting the project is that he'd rake in so much cash on it he wouldn't need to worry about the team and maybe get the hell out of the way. Armstrong was turning the hockey side into a respectable, well-run operation. Just needed Meruelo and his son to go play with their other businesses and maybe the stink would have eventually dissipated.
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Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
North America
Utah is going to be a disaster..

Delta Center isn't a solution, i'm sorry.. you can't renovate your way out of that mess
RS wanted to build a new arena elsewhere… the State asked him to re renovate the Delta and keep it downtown.. RS was unsure it was possible.. but experts have laid out plans that show it can be done.

They only need 5000 more unobstructed seats.. I thought I had heard it involved swapping or removing some suites in place of normal seating.. I don’t know enough about the arena, but everyone that looked at it seemed to think it was doable.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2011
The good thing about him getting the project is that he'd rake in so much cash on it he wouldn't need to worry about the team and maybe get the hell out of the way. Armstrong was turning the hockey side into a respectable, well-run operation. Just needed Meruelo and his son to go play with their other businesses and maybe the stink would have eventually dissipated.
And who hired BA? Bottom line, we can cry about an owner allegedly not paying hotel bills, throwing hate on AM at every turn, but AM is our best bet to get a NHL team back within five years. IF he bails, it will be at least a decade, and with the political landscape in Arizona it will probably be longer. The Suns have class action suit Isbia, the Suns have convicted Bidwell, but guess what, their teams are here for their fans.

That’s the problem with the world of hockey journalists… one person speculates…. And others report it as fact and and use the first guy as the source..

It was tough for me to hear all of this when it first came out.. because the person who reported it has been incorrect or very vague before.. and by the time it had hit the local radio stations up here.. the info was completely incorrect… time and time again..

Then certain experts would have podcasts about this misinformation.. finally come on the PHNX podcast for an interview.. only to find out that they are not in the loop. They were just quoting the first source who was proven wrong.

There was a reason Craig Morgan was so against the news when it first broke, because of the person who broke it, and how wrong or misinformed the guy had been in the past.

This time unfortunately it was correct… I guess you throw enough darts at a board one will stick.. As far as all the stories that are now being attached.. I guess in this case we assume it’s likely true to some extent.. until it’s proven wrong..AM had the chance to address the paying of bills, but just said he “wouldn’t be in business if he didn’t pay his bills” but that didn’t address if he was late, or changed the amounts…
AM stated he wasn't aware of any unpaid hotel bills.
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