Confirmed with Link: All-Purpose "Days of Our Meruelo" Talk


Registered User
Aug 27, 2011
It's simple business, you are part of a franchise, the least expectations are paying your bills. Your bad decisions reflect on others so your responsibility is to tge group and not your one bad reputation.

Edit: and when you buy into hundreds of millions business and you can't pay lousy hotel bills at agreed price ..... well that's kinda all you need to know.
Sounds like you have inside information, so tell us which hotel, or hotels is it that's saying this. Really, I don't give a shit about all this small talk and bickering over f------ hotel bills that no one knows if they were or weren't paid. You guys sound like a bunch of kids at recess fighting over marbles. All I want is a new arena and the Coyote's back and I don't care what billionaire does it as long as we have our team back in five years.


Let it burn
Mar 30, 2010
Glendale, Arizona
Sounds like you have inside information, so tell us which hotel, or hotels is it that's saying this. Really, I don't give a shit about all this small talk and bickering over f------ hotel bills that no one knows if they were or weren't paid. You guys sound like a bunch of kids at recess fighting over marbles. All I want is a new arena and the Coyote's back and I don't care what billionaire does it as long as we have our team back in five years.
You have more faith than me. I think this is all part of the grift. I call it 100-1 we get a team back. If he wins the auction I call it 100-2. I think it's more likely he develops the land without an arena and just rakes in the cash.


it's okay cause it's all just the way it should be
Jan 7, 2011
new mexico lol
Found this on Youtube the other day, thought it might be interesting considering how camera-shy the Meruelos are, it's Alexis (Alex's daughter, in charge of the Coyotes foundation) talking for a while at some kind of corporate girlboss meeting. Didn't watch the whole thing but I think she only really goes into Yotes stuff around the 20 minute mark. The meeting was also held right before the Tempe vote so there's some dark comedy there

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Registered User
Apr 25, 2012
Sounds like you have inside information, so tell us which hotel, or hotels is it that's saying this. Really, I don't give a shit about all this small talk and bickering over f------ hotel bills that no one knows if they were or weren't paid. You guys sound like a bunch of kids at recess fighting over marbles. All I want is a new arena and the Coyote's back and I don't care what billionaire does it as long as we have our team back in five years.
I could send you the bills and you would still think they were doctored Jakey!!!
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The Feckless Puck

Registered Loser
Oct 26, 2006
Found this on Youtube the other day, thought it might be interesting considering how camera-shy the Meruelos are, it's Alexis (Alex's daughter, in charge of the Coyotes foundation) talking for a while at some kind of corporate girlboss meeting. Didn't watch the whole thing but I think she only rally goes into Yotes stuff around the 20 minute mark. The meeting was also held right before the Tempe vote so there's some dark comedy there

Good lord. The guy named both of his kids after himself.

Dead Coyote

Registered User
Oct 10, 2017
I would imagine AM had final say, but it has been stated that in the GMBA interview with XG and Jr, said that the way BA talked makes you want to go through a wall for him. Not sure who else was in the room at the time, maybe the janitor or lot attendant or a maintenance guy, or maybe a PR guy. I believe multiple people were in the room.:sarcasm:

Good post.
Okay, so you don't have a source, and can only provide one for the running through the wall quote, which I wasn't talking about. Gotcha.

What power is that? You don't know what his job description is/was.
Well actually, yeah I do. His position is Chief Brand Officer. It's literally on the Arizona website.

Now, that position is pretty broad in it's job description. But it's a marketing and social media position that oversees everyone below that in the organizational chart in those departments.

Not only does he not have the experience for that position, he has reportedly made many decisions that would not fall under that scope. Whether you wanna believe that or not, he shouldn't be anywhere near the top of this organization's chart.

Staying at a 3-star hotel instead of a 5-star hotel to save a couple thousand bucks is just being a cheapskate. May as well stay at the 5-star place if you're just gonna skip the bill or pay only part of it.
It's also literally in the CBA that the players have to stay in a 5 star hotel.
Just a reminder you need to put yourself in Alex Meruelo’s position……

- Trying to turn around a franchise that’s losing tens of millions a year.

- Those millions have to come from somewhere.

- That taking those tens of millions from other assets you spent years and millions on without hurting them.

- Then attempting to put yourself into debt for over a billion to get said franchise (losing tens of millions annually) a new home so they stop losing said tens of millions annually.

Makes an unpaid hotel bill look like arguing over lunch money.
Sure, the hotel bills, taxes, taking the copy machine away from coaches, not buying pizza for the players, were all just ways for Meruelo to save money. I'm sure Mr Meruelo would have had to fold the franchise much earlier if he didn't do all of that. Maybe he just never considered that there would be operating costs after buying the team? Maybe the multi billionaire just couldn't afford to run an NHL team like an NHL team.

Dirty Old Man

Yotah Hockey Club
Jan 29, 2008
Ostrich City
I don't know if this is accurate at all but I have this vision of AM Jr being the type of guy who has like a 1000 pairs of athletic shoes that he treats like expensive dress shoes, is way into social media, and is focusing on fashion for now while he waits for his rap career to take off.
Too lazy to look it up, but the guy who was Tom's (Aziz Ansari's) "business partner" on Parks and Recreation.

Also the voice of the rabbit Hollywoo(d) agent on Bojack Horseman.


Registered User
Apr 25, 2012
You are wrong. If you have proof I will change my mind. But we all know, don't we, that you don't.
Guess smoke and fire don't exist in Jakey's world. Only one NHL team had these issues come up fairly regularly in last few years.
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"Just say it 3 times..."
Aug 30, 2009
Buzzing BoH
Maybe the NHL should take a page out of Mureulo's playbook and decide to pay him $800 million instead of the agreed upon billion. Guessing he would consider that "different ".

Oh shit!! How rude of me……. I almost forgot to offer you lunch.


Canis Latrans

Registered User
Jan 19, 2015
My real hope is that he knew coming in he'd be covering losses for a while and have to run leaner on some aspects of the business until sorting out the arena.

Then COVID happened and his businesses were especially vulnerable to it. He tried to cut corners and was called out on it. My understanding is that eventually he made his debts whole, so perhaps that's more of a liquidity issue for his businesses.

My optimistic take is that this isn't his desired means of conducting business and if he can build up the foundation to get the team back, then he won't be put into a situation where he needs to behave that way again.

He's probably in far better of a situation to getting the arena done now than he was while he held the active team if we're being truthful, at least in financial terms.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2018

Sure, the hotel bills, taxes, taking the copy machine away from coaches, not buying pizza for the players, were all just ways for Meruelo to save money. I'm sure Mr Meruelo would have had to fold the franchise much earlier if he didn't do all of that. .
Harold Ballard ran the Leaf back in the day.
He was the ultimate cheapskate and dipshit of an owner. Championship Banners? We can use them as covers while painting and later sell them (when He died they got new ones from the league). What names on a player jersey? How am i supposed to sell the game booklet (i think its called that) with the names of the players and their numbers?

And those are just two examples of the stuff he did. I bet my ass that he also skimmed on hotel bills and everything else to make a buck.
The thing is the leafs were mediocre at best between their last cup and the day he died. But still made money hand over fist.
He alienated beloved players, coaches and Play by play anouncers and still the people came.

He didn't have to do any of that but he still did and the league did not care. Because he rakes in the cash.
Which means you can be a bad owner as long as you bring in the dough everything is fine.
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2011
Guess smoke and fire don't exist in Jakey's world. Only one NHL team had these issues come up fairly regularly in last few years.
You know I don't know if these allegations are true or not and I really don't care. None of us, including you, know how to run a multi dollar business, and the level of people that is required to do such. In business the only way to increase profits is to reduce expenses or increase revenue and most businesses do this on a daily basis. We do it but on a much smaller scale. How many on this board here have tried to watch games for free or at a cheaper price? How many of us have missed a CC payment, or late on a mortgage payment? Shit happens in this world. Bidwell of the Cardinals was found guilty on charges brought forward. He apologized and went forward. Isbia now is facing a class action suit. All these guys are in the public eye, and if mistakes are made within there organization it's not necessarily them who made a mistake but a person hired to do that job. I mentioned Bidwell and Isbia because they are local and we hear about it, but I'm sure other people who own and run a multi dollar business have had similar incidents. Also, vendors make mistakes as well, they are not perfect like most on this board believe they are.
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Registered User
Apr 25, 2012
You know I don't know if these allegations are true or not and I really don't care. None of us, including you, know how to run a multi dollar business, and the level of people that is required to do such. In business the only way to increase profits is to reduce expenses or increase revenue and most businesses do this on a daily basis. We do it but on a much smaller scale. How many on this board here have tried to watch games for free or at a cheaper price? How many of us have missed a CC payment, or late on a mortgage payment? Shit happens in this world. Bidwell of the Cardinals was found guilty on charges brought forward. He apologized and went forward. Isbia now is facing a class action suit. All these guys are in the public eye, and if mistakes are made within there organization it's not necessarily them who made a mistake but a person hired to do that job. I mentioned Bidwell and Isbia because they are local and we hear about it, but I'm sure other people who own and run a multi dollar business have had similar incidents. Also, vendors make mistakes as well, they are not perfect like most on this board believe they are.
I have run several multi dollar businesses so in that you are incorrect. In my business time I knew that if you were the type to not pay bills or try to renegotiate after service was rendered there was almost zero chance of continuing that relationship long term. And when your word is worthless eventually so will your business.
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2011
I have run several multi dollar businesses so in that you are incorrect. In my business time I knew that if you were the type to not pay bills or try to renegotiate after service was rendered there was almost zero chance of continuing that relationship long term. And when your word is worthless eventually so will your business.
Right, and you have never done anything wrong or late on some invoice, or didn't negotiate any late charge or charge of any kind that you thought wasn't fair? If you didn't you would be the first in mankind. Stop with your goodie two shoes BS.
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Registered User
Apr 25, 2012
Right, and you have never done anything wrong or late on some invoice, or didn't negotiate any late charge or charge of any kind that you thought wasn't fair? If you didn't you would be the first in mankind. Stop with your goodie two shoes BS.
Everyone makes mistakes Jakey, we all know that. But in Mr Mureulo's case its very easy to see a pattern. And in my business life when I made an error with a company I made it right and made sure it didn't happen again. And FTR I see a massive difference in nogatiating away a late charge for a missed invoice versus trying to negotiate a better price after the fact on a negotiated price. One is honest and one is deliberate.

I guess you are kinda letting us all know how much integrity Jakey the businessman has???
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Dirty Old Man

Yotah Hockey Club
Jan 29, 2008
Ostrich City
Those were real?
I Always thought the Simpsons made them up in that one scene that i cannot find anymore.
Nope they were real. The brand name was Magic Fingers, and my older sister and I in the 70s looked a lot like Bart and Lisa in that scene while taking long road trips (too poor to fly) with our parents, staying at $20/night Holiday Inns...if we were lucky. I.e. When Days Inns or Super 8 weren't available.

....and, speaking of...
If you pine for such, the Roarunner in Tucumcari has them. It’s a retro motel and pretty cool, as a one time stay.

...The only reason I've heard of Tucumcari NM is because we stayed there in 1974 returning to Florida from the Grand Canyon

Desert Ice 11

I'm here!
Aug 9, 2012
Are we still talking about a story with zero verified sources of said "hotel"

The hotel has not been named, no employee has come forward, no organization member, no person from the league. Sounds like news agencies are just scraping the bottom of the barrel and running with it as news. This story was probably sourced from Reddit or this forum. All this bickering over a fake news story.

By the way, I am selling ocean front property in AZ if you are interested.
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