All Purpose Coronavirus Discussion Part XIII: Cute Meat Pics Only

Which is greatest and best?

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Former Flyers fan
Sep 28, 2014
I just put in a dip that is so enormous that it is not only hard to breathe, but also hard to type.

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On early summer vacay
May 27, 2010
Another enlightening thread

Ironic that Bill Kristol....neocon is making comments against him....well not really given what neocons are about.

By that same token....everybody is commenting about the president's incompetence but according to his true constituency of the 1% and aided and abetted by his useful idiot base he is doing a bang up job on their behalf....sad to say and that is what ultimately matters. Everybody and let die.

A new report from the Institute for Policy Studies found that, while tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, America’s ultra-wealthy elite have seen their net worth surge by $282 billion in just 23 days. This is despite the fact that the economy is expected to contract by 40 percent this quarter. The report also noted that between 1980 and 2020 the tax obligations of America’s billionaires, measured as a percentage of their wealth, decreased by 79 percent. In the last 30 years, U.S. billionaire wealth soared by over 1100 percent while median household wealth increased by barely five percent. In 1990, the total wealth held by America’s billionaire class was $240 billion; today that number stands at $2.95 trillion. Thus, America’s billionaires accrued more wealth in just the past three weeks than they made in total prior to 1980. As a result, just three people – Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffet – own as much wealth as the bottom half of all U.S. households combined.

The Institute for Policy Studies’ report paints a picture of a modern day oligarchy, where the super-rich have captured legislative and executive power, controlling what laws are passed. The report discusses what it labels a new “wealth defense industry” – where “billionaires are paying millions to dodge billions in taxes,” with teams of accountants, lawyers, lobbyists and asset managers helping them conceal their vast fortunes in tax havens and so-called charitable trusts. The result has been crippled social programs and a decrease in living standards and even a sustained drop in life expectancy – something rarely seen in history outside of major wars or famines. Few Americans believe their children will be better off than they were. Statistics suggest they are right.

America's Super-Rich See Their Wealth Rise by $282 Billion in Three Weeks of Pandemic

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Registered User
Feb 26, 2014
Another enlightening thread

We have a tolerance for "other people" dying, notice that the Republican are pushing for liability protection for business, in effect, carte blanche to fail to provide safe working conditions.

Trump uses the defense production act to open food processors, shielding the owners from liability even though they endangered the lives of thousands of workers by their failure to provide any safeguards until they were forced to shut down, now they can half ass it, knowing they can't be sued and they can force their workers to return or starve.

Rich people aren't going to "open up," when you go back to work, see the conditions top management and the board of directors work under (testing, social distance) versus those of office workers and in the retail trades. I guarantee that those at the top of the ladder will ensure they and their families don't face the same risks as the rest of us.

But this will solve itself, when the death toll rises to intolerable levels in the Red States, look for a political blow back - because Trump and the Red State governors will have no one to hand off the blame. When the white working class starts dying at the same rate as black and hispanic workers, all hell is going to break loose.


Registered User
Jul 8, 2004
I just can’t get over how much I enjoy this. The dancing. The music. Too good haha. Wtf is happening at 2:30!

Boney M is fantastic. I am not a fan of dance/disco type music....with the exception of Boney M. Personal favourite is Ma Baker. And I agree, Rasputin is also always played at socials (or Jack and Jills as they are known in my area)

And to answer your question as to what is happening at 2:30.......cocaine....lots and lots of cocaine is the answer.

In addition to writing incredible catchy dance tunes, they also produced one of the greatest Christmas alums there is.

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Blood Rival to a Briere Simp
Mar 2, 2017
As someone who has never touched dip, what is the fascination with shoving the biggest wad in your mouth possible? Why not go smaller, more manageable?
Personally I don't understand it either and I chewed/dipped for 30 years. It reaches a point where it's no longer enjoyable when it's too big.

I know I know that's what she said
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