Overall approve. With big personnel changes, the lockout, and a tough early schedule I think he's done a fine job. Last 10 they're 7-3.
1. Needs to keep Nash, Richards, and Gaborik separate.
2. Obviously, PP needs fixing.
3. Also obvious, fix the friggin line change issue (though I lay at least half the blame on the players -- this **** shouldn't be hard).
I don't get the *****ing about the system or the dump and chase though. The system is a HUGE part of this team's success. Even though they have upgraded talent wise from last year, I completely disagree that they have the personnel upfront beyond their star forwards to play any system that is significantly different. Please tell me which one of Callahan, Stepan, Hagelin, Pyatt, Kreider, Miller, Boyle, Powe, Asham, Halpern, or Bickel are consistently able to handle the puck well, make great passes, or have the finesse to pull off a puck control offense? I like their roster at this point - don't get me wrong - but if you think they're going to be able to play a run and gun or offensive minded system, I don't know what players you've been watching.
Torts is using a system that works - it got them to the ECF last year and works well for other teams that play a similar style: StL, Boston.
Regarding the dump and chase whine fest... its a part of the game. Do the Rangers do it a bit more than other teams? Sure. Why is that? Perhaps because they have no other play to make or the players don't want to try to force something and give up an odd man rush? That is called playing responsibly. Do you think they'd rather carry it over the blue line if they could? Of course they would. Get over it.
Incredibly skilled offense is fun to watch -- I get it. I loved watching the Detroit Red Wings of the late 90's and early 00's because they had the personnel to be an amazingly skilled puck possession team. But the Red Wings don't win any of those cups without Lidstrom, a solid d-corps, and the grind line. It is absolutely true that defense and depth wins championships. The Rangers finally seem to have been building toward both of those things.