Wrestling fans who care about who does well in the ratings are the biggest goofs.
You're not running the company, you'll never run a wrestling company. Stop watching the show from the lense of a businessman. We're watching grown men in their underwear play fighting, it's not that deep. Some people take this way too damn seriously. Loosen up, try to enjoy the show, and stop twisting yourselves into pretzels trying to create blatant conspiracy theories about wrestlers you don't enjoy.
Now with that said, I am rooting for FTR like the rest of you because I'm thinking the Hungbucks have a lot to offer in the trios division as well as a potential feud with Dark Order. I'm also hoping for FTR to have some more matches to make this an incredible tag title run. FTR vs. Aussie Open, FTR vs. BCC (Mox/Bryan in particular please), and then FTR will drop the titles to the Best Friends . . . . right?? RIGHT???