I literally have no f***ing idea what that is LOL
You're probably young and not achy.
I literally have no f***ing idea what that is LOL
hey, you guys watch this ever\/ \i am not a montreal fan, but i am a fan of canadian heroes.
You're probably young and not achy.
I mayCouldn't agree with you more, i get a lot of crap from the boys come Olympics time.
I'll say it here so others can yell at me if they'd like, when it comes to hockey Team Canada is my favourite team. Break Matthews leg if we have to, as long as we get the gold.
And they hate me for saying it lmao, i don't WANT it to happen, i love my leafs almost as deep as i love my Canada (which is a lie, i love my leafs, but i bleed my country lol)
I just love that best on best, country vs country, pure hockey talent not about the money but about the representation. I truly do.
I will always hate Bettman for taking that last one away from me.
My Uncle is originally from Hamilton, frig you may know him, that would be crazy, he's turning 73 i believe, but that beautiful Muskoka air he's been breathing his whole life, man still works harder than i do at half his age.
I appreciate the welcome, means a lot.
Good ol boys will always be around in Canada.
See now that’s real real coolI once drank beer with Wendel Clark
that was ... interesting
none of the above, if you noticed when i posted there were 3 posts...all by teeder. so thats why i said it. lolI like teederkeon. It doesn't mean I agree with everything he says, cause we are in the same age range.
But I have to ask, and this is a classic, internet, keystroke, situation.
Do you dislike what he said. Do you feel, its all about him
Just asking. I quite like the guy. Myself. Am I going into the corner for him, a la, Eric Nesterenko, Gordie. Or my personal favourite.... Wayne Cashman.
I never know on the internet. But this guy, TK, is a treasure.
Its never, all about him, far as I, can see. He loves the Leafs, same as me, and he knows, its tuff love. Better enjoy it. Makes the parade that much more fun.
And just to say, I am pretty sure, there are a lot of great athletes on this board, recognized or not.
CBD, THC, Vitamin C/D3, and Zinc keeps me healthy and robust. lolCod liver oil works best and iodine
I like teederkeon. It doesn't mean I agree with everything he says, cause we are in the same age range.
But I have to ask, and this is a classic, internet, keystroke, situation.
Do you dislike what he said. Do you feel, its all about him
Just asking. I quite like the guy. Myself. Am I going into the corner for him, a la, Eric Nesterenko, Gordie. Or my personal favourite.... Wayne Cashman.
I never know on the internet. But this guy, TK, is a treasure.
Its never, all about him, far as I, can see. He loves the Leafs, same as me, and he knows, its tuff love. Better enjoy it. Makes the parade that much more fun.
And just to say, I am pretty sure, there are a lot of great athletes on this board, recognized or not.
Hope you got a lot!!I haven't had enough to drink yet for any of this to make sense.
Will come back and try again later when I'm a few more sheets to the wind......
Yeah we played 5v5 Box Lacrosse in my day , I was better on my feet than on my skates lol , we also played ball hockey for money in the school yards during summer vacation , played hardball as well as tennis and skiing but Lacrosse and Hockey were tops .Way back when
Some NHLers and other hockey players took up Lacrosse and ball hockey in the off season to stay in shape , kinda cool the way ball hockey evolved from the streets and to now , it’s crazy even after my career it’s now global
Incredible how different the game is now
Pass pass pass pass shoot
Just don’t mix this stuff up with your normal “hand” lotion. It’s a pain in the nuts. Literally.