The Avs are a tremendously skilled team and played to win this series. No doubt about it. Better team.
I never really used to even think about them, but this season (continuing into this series obviously) I really noticed how unlikeable they are. So many of their guys play a game I just kind of despise. I've never seen players go down so easy and "sell' so many calls in a very long time. I'm not even going to call it diving or say anything else, because it clearly works for them. It is what it is.
It's just that I developed a nice little "hatred" and it sure does make the games more intense feeling in that regard. Was good fun even when it wasn't.
I'm proud of this Oilers team for a damn good season. They overcame a lot and these playoffs sure were entertaining. Plenty of questions and work to be done, but for now I'll just enjoy the run for the great moments.
Like beating Calgary.