I find this thread frustrating because it forces me to agree with a lot of people with whom I probably agree on very little politically.
People who say that this is just an example of 'wokeness being more important than ability' really fail to recognize the obstacles to comfortable existence that women and people of colour experience just about everyday. From being hit on inappropriately, to having racists mean mug you while you're trying to buy milk. Trying to level the playing field a little bit isn't 'wokeness', it's human empathy.
With that said, I can't get over how bad Leah Hextall is. She is terrible at every part of announcing.
Look, I have been a hockey nerd with encylopedic hockey knowledge since I was 10 years old. Not once did I think I could be a play-by-play announcer. I don't have the voice for it. It requires, ideally, a unique voice, a capacity to speak without 'ums' and 'ah's for 3 hours, really astute observational skills, deep hockey knowledge, an innate sense of the energy of the game (when to be excited, etc) and I could go on and on.
Leah has none of those things. The games are full of dead air, big things will happen and she won't say anything, she doesn't seem to know a lot of the player's names, she has no sense of occasion, and her voice oscillates between dull and shrill.
When people say 'give her a chance to learn', it's like maybe she shouldn't be 'learning' at the highest level.
Honestly, rooting for her is like rooting for some unskilled wealthy kid who gets their own show because their parents own the tv studio.
It's cool that there is a movement towards getting more women in hockey media, but that wasn't being cultivated before. So let's be intentional about cultivating it instead of pretending that making the decision is the same as having had the infrastructure for the last decade.
Let her, and others, cut their teeth in junior, college, and the minors. You know, like a real hockey announcer.