Have to remember this kid turned 18 in the spring. Considering the typical development path of a defenseman, it is pretty unreal how good he is in Grand Rapids already.
He makes lapses in judgement quite often still but that’s expected at his age and inexperience. I can guarantee you right now that his main focus is defense responsibility, just like it was in Germany, because he understands that’s how you earn minutes as a kid.
I can also tell you that there is a lot of offensive potential in the kid. Probably more in a mold of someone like Suter or Pietrangelo where it’s smart and saavy. He also showed a ton of puck skills in the summer camps... probably more than basically any other kid to be honest.
Praying to the hockey gods that this kid turns into something special, we could really use it. Just have to remember that he’s an 18 year old defenseman... he may not hit his prime for another 10 years for all we know but he sure looks good so far.