Hollywood Cannon
I'm Away From My Desk
I love this a little too much.Sorry, was at the game but did not collect my giveaway rubber duck. The game was lightly attended, the team surely has to have a mountain of Gritty rubber ducks sitting in a room somewhere, right?
Went with my dad as part of a x-mas present. Little did I understand what tickets I got us. We enter the arena and pan up to where our seats are supposed to be. Only, they're not exactly where you'd expect so I'm confused, until it slowly dawns on me that I accidentally got us two seats in Gritty's Chaos Corner.
Dear Reader, please believe me when I tell you that I did nothing to deserve that. Nor did my poor father. We didn't deserve having popcorn dumped on our heads, silly string shot into our faces, nor being surrounded by dozens of children screaming, "Gritty!" for all of the 1st and 3rd periods. It was a harrowing experience, and it will be some time before I brave the Wells Fargo Center once more.
My season ticket seats are on the other side of the wall from that area so I see it all.