Remember when people were calling Kreider lazy, invisible, and a floater a month ago because his shooting% hadn’t regressed to the mean yet?
Gaborik fooled Hank there. He definitely assumed he was going high. Gabby knew what he was doing there.
Definitely one he wants back.
Oh he’s definitely lazy, invisible , and a floater half of his games.
I’m not sure how that’s even a debate at this point. He is what he is.
If Nash could score he would be a top 3 player in this league.
The very second I turn the game on, Hank concedes a howler.
At this point you gotta think the reason as to why Nash is getting all these grade A scoring chances is because the opponents know that he can't score to save his life anymore.
Might as well focus on the rest of the FWD's.
It's just way too easy for opposing teams to exit their zone against the Rangers
Hate when guys take the lazy change when the other team is going on the attack.