Not to mention that any talking point that gets brought up for why the NHL doesn't care about Canada could absolutely be brought up for the non-Texas/California western teams, given that they're all smaller and more ancillary markets whereas I don't think anyone would call Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver small market in the NHL.
In a 30 to 32 team league, chunks of the teams are just going to have droughts at any given moment, and sometimes odd patterns emerge. So just as the NHL has a 7-team Canadian drought lasting 30 years the NBA had an 8-team 40 year drought on their hands also in a relatively neat geographic grouping.
I get why it comes off as a big deal in the NHL, as Canada is the backbone of the talent supply and for the league's financials, but sometimes flukey streaks happen.
Not pointing anyone out, but folks that lean back into rigging claims are merely just excusing away unferperforming players or numbskulled management.
A Canadian team will win again, and when it happens truth be told I'm expecting the folks most disappointed with that will be fans of the six other teams once that "Canada's team" narrative gets pushed nationwide up north until another Canadian team wins again. Heck, watch three different Canadian teams win in a four year span in the 2030s just to really confound folks.