True, teams have more, better, prospects than we do, but it doesn't mean they're willing to spend them.
Carlo, Poitras, 1st for Petterson.
Would that not be a strong offer? Could it be beat? Sure. Likely to be beat? I don't know.
In terms of cap space. The Bruins have been banking space all season. Nobody here or online knows the real number. Maybe Dom, because he tracks it, but I'd bet the Bruins have $3m in deadline money already banked. Add in another $2-3m for money to be banked between now and then they could have $5-6m in deadline space on deadline day. When they started the season, Puckpedia said we'd have $6.8m in deadline space based on that original roster. Call ups and downs change all that but the point is, it was/is possible. We'd be sending out $4.1m for Carlo, $2.3 to move out Frederic in another deal and we're in the neighborhood. That's around $6.4m out and $5-6m in banked space. That ought to do it.
We'd have a gaping hole at 2RD. Maybe they get a vet making $1m in the Frederic deal to be a stop gap until the off-season when they can go shopping for a replacement.