Vinny DeAngelo
Jimmy Easy to defend
Maybe he was an AV player like grabberZucc clearly needs a change of scenery. He doesn't fit in with this team at all.
Maybe he was an AV player like grabberZucc clearly needs a change of scenery. He doesn't fit in with this team at all.
****ing Christ just ruin Hanks stats why don’t you after he plays out of his ****ing mind all afternoon the team just gives up. Quinn should ream these ****s
I think the team needs Quinn walking in, staring at all of them for an uncomfortable 20 seconds, and just walking out.This team needs a screaming at
We go from best game of the year to one of the worst.
This kind of cancels it out for me. I know they have to have a bad game once in a while, but I don’t want to look at this team anymore.Awful game, but I'm still coming off that Islanders game high so I'm not that upset.
The score makes this game seem not as close as it really was.