You're already becoming too political.
None of that has anything to do with the issue of kids hockey having become so expensive. That has been going on for 40-50 years.
There were a lot of things wrong with kids hockey in my day, but it was inexpensive. Almost every family could afford it, even the poor ones. It was like soccer is today. All you needed was a pair of skates and a stick both of which were cheap.
Every fall the schools hosted a skate exchange. Used skates were acceptable. I got 1 stick per year. If it broke, I kept on using it. That was common. If it became unusable I had a problem. Collect enough pop bottles to buy a new one.
I don't want to turn this into a story about walking 5 miles to school everyday, uphill both ways, in a blizzard. Like I said, there were a lot of things wrong with the way it was then. But cost wasn't one of them, and all of the kids played. We played for fun, not for hockey scholarships or pro careers.