If we end up picking in the teens again this year, I think our best options are gonna be either Ivan Ryabkin or Radim Mrtka. Two guys who came into the season with high projections, couldn’t make it work in Europe, and made their way to NA to revive their draft chances which were both plummeting. They are gonna have too much uncertainty attached to them to go top-10, but if you want traitsy, high-talent guys at positions of need, that’s gotta be what you’re aiming for.
Desnoyers regrettably won’t fall to us unless the bottom falls out of the season. I wouldn’t want to touch someone like McQueen, who is on the Nolan Patrick career path. Is Justin Carbonneau someone who falls, and if he does, does he have the same upside as Ryabkin?
Lots of hockey left to play until June still, but as of right now they look like our best options.