This. It seems pretty apparent that they're just tuning in to what figures to work in accordance with our strengths and their weaknesses, asking Jayden to do what it takes to execute it.
It's elementary for sure, but they're switching it up as they go, and their QB is adding tools to his arsenal in the process. The upside thus far is that JD has risen to every occasion. I don't know about you guys, but I don't get the sense that he's eking it out at all, or that this was "just one great game" and he'll turn back into a pumpkin.
He's in control, whip smart, learning, adjusting, and clearly eager to keep moving forward. That's the vibe I get when I see him communicating with the sideline. He's ready for more more more, and they're emphasizing some caution and restraint. That push and pull is good for everyone.
It's that part of the movie where it's 24/7 "Paint the fence! Up! Down!" and "Sand the floor!" Might seem tedious now, but when he's ready they'll unleash it all, and Jayden will kick the bully in the face, win the trophy, and f*** the prom queen.