@RoyIsALegend likes puckpedia rosters so much here's one to illustrate that it's unrealistic to keep Manson AND re-sign Lindgren if the intention is to keep Drouin and Nelson.
Note that the contracts are pretty much a best case scenario, especially Nelson who turned down $7.5m x 3 years from NYI. You'd likely need to offer 5 years to get him at $6.5m. I'm also assuming that Wood gets traded.
Nelson $6.5m
Drouin $3m
Vesey (or whoever) $800k
Lindgren $4m
Malinski $1.5m
Even with those best case AAV's the 22 man roster is still $4.6m
over the cap ceiling...
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With the roster above being $4.6m over the cap ceiling you'd have to trade Colton AND let Drouin walk if you're dead set on keeping the D intact like you said.
Trading Colton and not re-signing Drouin in this scenario would leave $2.4m for two forwards.
In this example I've used Kiviranta $1.5m and Ivan $845k which leaves $55k in capspace with 22 guys. I guess you could also do another $800k forward instead of Kiviranta and give an extra $700k to Nelson and Lindgren if that's required.
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Honestly now that I'm looking at this roster it might be an approach worth considering if Mackinnon isn't too upset about Drouin not being re-signed.
Wingers are much easier and cheaper to find at the TDL than top 4 Dmen, so letting go of Colton and Drouin to keep both Manson and Lindgren may have some merit. This roster would still be stacked on the wings in the top 6, at center 1-4, as well as on the blueline. You'd simply have to replace Colton and Drouin at the TDL.
With all that said, I'd be somewhat surprised if Drouin isn't re-signed. He clearly wants to be here; has taken discounts twice to be in Denver; and Mackinnon wants him on the team.