That's a fair point. The wording in the Athletic definitely reads as you state.
"If you have a no-trade list, what's the first team on it?
It also states, "111 players were polled on a range of topics."
So this wasn't a poll strictly of players with NTC's or NTM's. The majority of them would be players under 27 without 7 seasons. The would represent just 12.9% of the players who played this year. As a result the entire poll is garbage because it's not at all reflective of players that even have that clause in their contract.
If 12.9% of the entire league were polled then the likelihood of any of these players actually having a NMC or NTC would be a fraction of that. To get specific 17% of players have contracts which specify teams they refuse to go to. (.13*.17=0.0221). So of the players polled 2.21% would have actually had a NMC in place.
Until there's a poll that includes the entire list of players with NMC's, the math regarding what fraction of players have Winnipeg on their list remains purely speculative, but as the math suggests that this affects the Jets in a very small way.