Every GM screws up, even the top guys, Zito traded (2) 1sts, a 3rd and 4th and Tippett to rent Giroux and Chariot to get swept in the 2nd rd.
That's why you judge a GM for the sum total of their moves, not nitpick one move to death.
Hextall's biggest flaw was bad drafting in the 1st and 2nd rds after he did a good job of accumulating picks, and bad timing, if you're rebuilding, rebuild, don't start, stop for two years, then trade a top 6 forward in his prime for draft picks, then sign JVR for 5x7. Incoherent strategy.
Fletcher's biggest flaw was going all in with a mediocre roster, then not having the balls to tell Scott and Comcast the game was up after 2020-21. Instead, he doubled down, and even at the end couldn't give up the fantasy that he could turn it around by trading for Risto, then extending him and trading for TDA.
Briere will be judged how he uses his stockpile of picks, including what he gets for Risto and Laughton. He's got a young team starting to play at a high level, he needs to augment the talent he has, and be patient. Keep building the talent base and wait for one of the young goalies to emerge. We won't know if this works out until 2027-28, because it'll take that long to know what we have from the 2023-2025 drafts.